
Canada's Response: Reinventing The Wheel Badly. Time For Herd Immunity.

 Every decision we've taken has let us to this point. 

The latest being the masking of kids. Despite the literature showing children pose no significant risk to the general population and influenza remaining a threat to their health.

Quebec's decision is based on unsound science and logic. 

They acknowledge the outbreaks aren't from schools, but nonetheless moved ahead with restrictive measures. Child experts and pediatricians have already spoken out against such irresponsible measures some going as far to claim we can scar a generation of kids.

Add to this the cold, hard, sober facts masks are ineffective (as the body of evidence over 100 years of randomized, controlled studies have shown), and we have but a recipe for failure.

If schools aren't the problem and masks don't work, how can this break the 'case surge'? 

It seems the process goes along the lines of: Ok, let's put this triangle in a circle. Never mind. I think the square into the triangle will work. Hm. Never mind. This wheel needs adjustments. It's too round. Let's replace them with squares. 

Canada's approach doesn't consider the importance of getting us back to our normal lives ASAP. In fact, it's adding angst and anxiety by saying this can't be done.

But these experts disagree. Time get to herd immunity and make it an official policy. 

This way of stopping the spread through the suppression theory while waiting for a vaccine is not sustainable.

This is not inhumane. Current policies are.


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