
On Liberty: Cut To The Chase

It always blew my mind while attending classes in university at how intolerant the left was of other views but the second someone challenged them they screamed their freedom of speech was being threatened.

It's in school I saw the face of progressivism and it was damn ugly.

They're not for freedom of any kind but their own.

In Canada, we have a distorted and disfigured view on what constitutes liberty. We've deceived ourselves into believing we can "balance" speech by "regulating" it. It's perhaps one of the most hideous "intellectual" positions taken by Canadian intellectuals and its adherents.

The results are pretty barbaric from Quebec's tribal nationalism that tramples on individual liberties to Canada's hate laws and the the Human Right Commission charged with "protecting the sanctity" of civil discourse.

In other words, they all live in a bull shit world.

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