
Meet The Draggers

Then don't have eight kids you idiot.

Asking society to subsidize your life is immoral.

Go get a fucking job.

I hate seeing these stories. Hate it.

Just like these assholes:

“It’s very difficult to live off $8.07 an hour,” said Mr. Rojas, 23, noting that he is often assigned just 20 or 25 hours of work a week. “I have to live with my parents. I would like to be able to afford a car and an apartment.”

Mr. Rojas said he had studied for a pharmacy technician’s certificate, but he had been unable to save the $100 needed to apply for a license. "

Maybe my math is off here, but that works out to about $800 a month living at home. This guy is struggling to save $100? Shit, a whino makes that in a day.

When I was living at home making $18 000 a year I managed to save $7 000. 


If you're 30 with three kids and all you've managed to do is cap out at working at a fast food joint without making manager or employee of the day, then I suggest there are other issues involved.

If you fail to plan parts of your life, you will falter.

Why angry, T.C?

That's what these jobs pay and have always paid. Even I understood this growing up which is why I looked elsewhere. Not only that, that's what you're worth flipping burgers.

These same people will still complain whether they make $10, $12 or $15. It doesn't matter what you pay them, they will live beyond their means.

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