
This is Very Interesting

It should be rejected or at least the temptation resisted to call Obamacare a socialist plan or takeover of America. Conservatives are over reacting. However, the consensus seems to point it is a big government measure. And to some, that simply means infringing on personal rights as the law suits come in.

There's enough in the plan that integrates, ironically, what were once conservative ideas. Individual mandates for example, is being challenged in the courts by conservatives yet it was the Heritage Foundation in the 1990s who originally proposed it though it makes clear it doesn't consider Obamacare constitutional.

Confused? Me too. And to make it more compelling, the libertarian think-tank CATO criticized it back when.

The legal and academic debate also goes a long way in dispelling the notion that if you're against the plan, you're insane and irrational.


I heard a political panel discuss the American health care reform debate. They, like me, look on with fascination. It was pointed out the confusing and cantankerous nature of the debate; although conveniently forgetting it wasn't so clean for us back in the 50s and 60s. Two things why I think ours wasn't so hyper: One it was so long ago so who remembers? You have to dig up newspapers archives to see what was written and even then it would be hard to compare to today since people didn't have access to communication tools like we have today. Two, Canadians aren't as rebellious as Americans and have a completely different concept of liberty than they do. Hence, all the challenges to the state. Americans naturally distrust the government; we now embrace it. I could also add that there was far less at stake in Canada. The American health care industry is huge, innovative and powerful so there are that many more players in the game. That wasn't the case in Canada; it was basically doctors against the state.

In recent memory, the only thing that really ignites the flames of passion in this country is national unity. I remember the incredibly highly charged Meech Lake Accords debate and the 1995 referendum.


  1. Anonymous3/27/2010

    Democracy is such a messy thing.

  2. Churchill said that democracy was the best of the bad systems. Demagogy makes it more messy than it should be and you have a heavy dose of it, on both sides, in the ongoing debate south of the border.
    Going to Court is so U.S., they don't have money for healthcare but they sure have for lawyers.

  3. True, but Obama didn't go after trial lawyers who exploit medical malpractice for financial gain. This has led to "defensive" medicine and who knows how much that adds to the overall cost.

    It seems Captain Fantastic Savior has limits to his compassion.


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