
History Of Canadian Health And Rational Thinking Not Good For Cancer

From Slate.com discussing the political battle over nationalized health care here in Canada decades ago.

Good read but hardly new to those who know Canadian history. Bottom line is the state has too much of a paternalistic strangle hold on health care. We and can do much, much better.


Speaking of health, my father-in-law is battling cancer. This story ties into the notion of "rational" thought. I often wonder if there's such a  thing as being overly "rational." Critical thinking is essential indeed, but does it suppress the art of "the hunch?" How to critically explain your hunch?

My father-in-law is blessed with powerful analytical skills. It passed down to his daughter. Together they form Spock and Spockette and I must admit, they can be frustrating to deal with. I allow my emotions to enter my mind. They don't. Luckily, I have superb communicative and diplomatic skills so all works out just fine.

His family is doing everything to increase his strength through diet and that includes adjusting to unfamiliar eating habits. Nothing kooky or new age. Just good stuff the doctors even agree with.

Every single time, he puts up a rational fight. He's always "unsure" and  falls back on "I will think about it." What's to think about? If they suggest taking Vitamin C (apparently to trick the cancer cells who feed off sugar to give them exponential life) take it! It's not like he has too many options so why over analyze?

That's what I noticed one week into this and I told my wife. But I'm just a lowly blogger with no "credentials. Yet, lo and behold, the psychologist concluded and confirmed what I've observed. She put it this way, "his analytical skills may have served him well in his career but it's proving detrimental to his health."

In other words, being over rational in his state is irrational. 

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