
The JKF Mystery Endures

I'm a sucker for the JFK story. Most political junkies are. How can you not be about a plot that involves the Mafia, the Kennedy dynasty, apparent drifters, losers and loners, the CIA, Fidel Castro and Cuba?

There's a lot and I mean a dizzying amount of theories, documents, stories, leaks - whatever- surrounding one of the 20th cenutry's most enduring tragedy and mystery. It's hard to come away and conclude one guy and one guy alone acted when you look at the entire body of information. Surely, something was up, no? Nothing has ever been linked and I wonder if it ever will.

The conspiracy thing is hard to digest given how many people would have to had been involved, and people being what they are - flawed - it's hard to imagine nobody has cracked and come forward. On the other hand, how nutty is it if it was by a small group of people?

I hope one day it all comes out.

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