
Waiting On The Progressive Agenda's Tipping Point

This is what passes as intellectualism at The Atlantic now. Another publication fast losing relevance. Surprised they didn't publish Rolling Stone magazine's discredited and embarrassing (likely fabricated) UVA gang rape story.

Only the psychotic, smug flakes at Jezebel believed it at face value even go as far as calling responsible journalists (like Robbie Soave of Reason) as 'idiots' for, you know, fucking investigating the story which didn't even bother interviewing the alleged rapists.

It's like Duke lacrosse never happened.

The irony of all this is stories like this actually hurt actual victims of rape. Rape is already a difficult and nuanced crime to report and investigate.

Why make it more complicated than it has to?

Of course, the reaction of campuses and their 'zero sex tolerance' type of rules is gonna do squat and unleash all sorts of unintended consequences.


This writer, Von Hoffmann, is asking for for quotas for men in politics.

Feminists are nuts.

Nothing frightens me more than over-educated top people using the word 'quotas.'

Know who else like that word?


Germany likes quotas too.

This time they want it in the business world.

Ladies and gentleman. We've lost Germany.

Merit? What's that?

Fall of the West.

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