
No Surprise

During my time in University I wasn't all that impressed by what I saw. Students could be the most myopic, close-minded, narcissistic people who have a unique ability to over rate themselves and their worth to society.

Student Unions and bodies were even worse. The people who joined those things were silly.

We saw it in full flight in Quebec. And the government caved and now we're on a path to "free tuition."

Not good.

If I were forced (and the government likes to coerce using other people's money) or more democratically had a (real) personal choice, I would give "free" tuition to med students, engineers and the like. Not to the person studying sex therapy or women's plight in Zambia. I want a return on my money. A doctor is a good, sound investment because I'm gonna need one. I'm gonna need a engineer to build something for society. I won't need a student association president becoming a future union member working for the CSN.


  1. You are banging your head against an ivy covered brick wall.

  2. I know. And I'm "extreme" for thinking this way.


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