
Love Is Never Having To Offer A Wishy-Washy Apology

Justin Trudeau is not only not ready to be leader of the Liberals, he's not a leader period. He's my contemporary and I have to say he may play the (leftist) dapper part but he leaves me longing for the beef.

Trudeau would be an asset in any facet of society - except politics. But the media darling creation machine is in full over drive. Expect Trudeau to be leader of the Liberals.

Trudeau says he has a "lot to learn." No kidding. So why run? I'd rather not have a leader enrolled in on the job training.

What is it with these folks going on French-language TV saying one thing and another in English?  Moreover, his comments about the best PM's coming from Quebec is so utterly paternalistic and arrogant he commits the same errors he chastises Harper for when it comes to fostering regional friction. And it's somewhat one-sided and inaccurate to boot.

Dude, the country has changed. The power shift moving away from the Eastern axis.

Personally, I think it's basic common sense not to say most of things he says. He believes these things deep down. Which makes me think, what makes him think he can lead? The Liberal brand of his father is gone and buried. The mere fact they talk of merging the Liberals and the NDP is enough for me to cling to my wallet for dear life with a (registered, don't wanna upset anyone) gun.

Whenever he blasts Harper, he's blasting a substantial segment of the population whether he likes it or not. Liberals don't own the 'social democratic' agenda anymore the conservatives do.

Personally, the country needs more Alberta and less of the Quebec/Ontario model. Has anyone noticed what Saskatchewan and Manitoba are doing to attract business? While they offer real tax-value, Quebec decides it's going to continue the tax-increase philosophy method. Moreover, Quebec - through Trudeau or anyone else - is not in a position to discuss "moral politics" to anyone.

It's ok, they're not alone. The Americans are foolishly going down this path. Misery loves company I guess. Maudits riche!

Quebec and Ontario (Frick and Frack; Lower and Upper Canada) have had the ball in their court in for most of Confederation's existence. Our entire policy structure was to funnel everything to Ottawa. In the process, mostly thanks to Pierre Trudeau, they pissed off the West giving rise to Western alienation and nationalism. To the point a (more dangerous I argue) secessionist movement exists in that part of the country.

I don't get the divisive rhetoric be it from the PQ, President Obama or people like Trudeau.


  1. I see the Trudeaus have become the Canadian "Kennedys".

  2. Yup. Only less fucked up. No bootleggers, or murderers in the clan. They share the same silly elitist-socialist views though.


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