
Taking It In The Teeth

It looks like left leaning people are increasingly getting confused by Obama. Try this for good measure. By the pen of Tina Brown.

During his speech at Brookings, it was indeed hard to follow the Prez. Let's see. His "solution" to the economic problem was to spend through it. That failed. No sweat. He inherited it. Never mind no one put a gun to his head to expand Bush's stimulus plan. Then, he decided to - horror! - offer tax cuts and incentives to small businesses. So now he took a page out of Reaganomics? Of course, the tax cuts he proposes are meaningless because savvy small business owners won't budge until they understand the full financial implications of Obamacare on their bottom line.

Today, over in Norway - where crowds cheered him - he sent further mixed signals. He admitted he didn't deserve it, reading between the lines of course. He went on to, cryptically, sell why he had to expand the war in Afghanistan making references to how just talking wasn't going to defeat Nazi Germany. The implication being the use of force in Afghanistan is just. Which, by now, should make one realized: Bush was right.

"I'm for peace. I mean, this medal is really cool. Peace is what I "wanted" but I was given a plate of rotten brussel sprouts. I can't give you that right now, you see Norweeegenians. It's more complicated. Sometimes you need to use force. But that's like getting peace if we win, right? Whoa! Where's my next prize?"

Anyway, despite the roses thrown at his feet, he's facing some heat from Norwegians. 53% are a little peeved he split before attending the Nobel Peeeeeece Prize concert in his honor. From the Norway Post.

It's tough being President. What, with all the scrutiny, eh?

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