
Obama Adopts NRA Proposal: But The 'Right' People Are In Control, Right?

Obama is set to fund cops in schools.


Didn't the loons on the left laugh hysterically when the NRA proposed this idea in the first place?

How will they spin this? That the "right" people are in control?

Anyway, while the Democrats original instincts was to appeal to emotions with gun control, the NRA argued (rightly) the simple fact remains you can't introduce punitive laws against the vast majority of law-abiding Americans. They also urged the government to enforce the laws on the books.

I don't want to rehash gun control here because there's enough (respectable and reputable) data and evidence now to dismiss the calls for gun control as I've posted here repeatedly in the last couple of years. The facts simply didn't support gun-control activists - you're more likely to be killed by terrorists or die in a plane crash than be a victim of a mass shooting. One interesting example that kept coming up is where gun-control legislation is most restrictive are in places like in Detroit and Chicago where inner-city violence is among the highest in the land.

But there's another, more tragic, angle to all this. Conservative publications have brought this up on and off over the last few years (I don't mean to ignore if liberal ones did too but haven't seen any so if they have my apologies) and it's something Americans need to confront sooner rather than later but focusing on gun-control distracts them.

Lots has been said about the mentally ill (and we should be careful to not simplify this disease). Society used to place the mentally ill in asylums that were often inhumane. When it was discovered the deplorable conditions to which people were subjected - typical of our behavior -official simply took patients out and, well, literally threw them in the streets to fend for themselves.

It so happens 60 Minutes this past Sunday covered the issue and what they reported is a lot of the mentally ill are finding themselves in prison (it's estimated there are 7 million Americans who are mentally ill while only half are getting treatment) and derelict on the streets.

The tragedy is, it's being correlated, these sick people are finding guns which may explain the recent mass shootings. Every single one of these were from the hands (minds) of mentally ill individuals.

It's a social disaster that needs attention and so far, I haven't heard the administration say much except to vaguely say "keep it out of the hands of the mentally ill through tougher back ground checks."

I say vaguely because most mentally ill people are NOT violent.

Something to think about.


Question being asked: If Obama is sacrosanct and can't be touched (even though laws are amended all the time) then why isn't the debt ceiling (a law Obama signed himself as well) not?


Question that I still get no answer: If Obamacare is so good, why then, is Congress exempt? Why are other organizations like unions and Federal employees looking for an exemption as well?

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