
U.S. Government Faces Toyota Down

I don't know. It'll be some time before we get all the facts around the Toyota recall but it's becoming increasingly alarming at the degree the Obama administration is involving itself in it.

It makes you wonder about "qui bono?"

I've been reading how in some circles it is asserted Obama is doing it because A) Toyota is a non-unionized company and it's time to stick with his union cohorts and B) of the government's stake in General Motors.

There's no evidence of this but is it that crazy to "put it out there" considering these points?

One argument I do refute is the idea of pushing Toyota out to increase sales of American cars. There's no way of telling if American will flock to GM or Chrysler. Ford doesn't need Obama as it's doing fine on its own. There are other players in the market like Volkswagen, Hyundai, Kia and Honda who could benefit. Unless Obama forces people to buy GM (and I wouldn't put it past him), with an assortment of "proposals" and "credits," the market will determine on its own who will benefit. Does the market still exist? Just checking.

But if Toyota were to "pull out" that would have a gigantic negative effect on U.S. jobs and by extension the economy. It would surprise me -no, stun me - if Obama was this short sighted in his thinking. It would be a staggering error in judgment seeing that he's trying to create and "save" jobs.

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