
Blog Plug

I like to plug blogs as you know.

Zeus Is Watching keeps my interest in classical music and culture alive and kicking.


  1. You are right about Zeus. He even reminded us through his photos of what our winters used to look like.

  2. I'm now going to be forced to consider adding a music blogroll to my blog.


  3. My word, don't you have enough to while your time by?
    Piano, piano.

  4. Don't follow you, PC.

    SE, and well worth it. Beautiful music over there.

  5. I meant that you are real busy, launching a new enterprise and producing psts at warp speed. Yet you want to add a music blog? Chi va piano, va sano, chi va sano va lentano e`viva la liberta. Take care man.

  6. OK, I misread, it's SE who could go musical.
    But still the remainder applies to you and to him maybe? I don't know him or her.

  7. Ha, ha! No, SE just wants to add a "blogroll" mon ami.

    As for me, yeah, I'm a little mysterious like the weather experiences here and in the Mid-Atlantic.

    I'm fast and furious. I do have down time before the final push.

  8. Anonymous2/12/2010

    Thanks for a kindly plug. I tend to showcase music from the Baroque, but I do go outside of this genre once in awhile.

    For a knowledgeable fan of music (including opera) from the Romantic Era I recommend my my friend and fellow blogger "Sledpress"


Mysterious and anonymous comments as well as those laced with cyanide and ad hominen attacks will be deleted. Thank you for your attention, chumps.