
Either You Believe In Freedom Of Speech...

Or you don't.

A lot of people are happy the book burning of the Koran organized by an obscure pastor won't happen. That the reaction was strong among blogs is one thing but once again the U.S. administration saw fit, in its infinite wisdom, to comment on it. I don't recall those who defend Islam ever coming to the defense of when Christian symbols are mistreated under the guise of "art" in some cases and "freedom of speech." You want a gay nativity scene? You got it! You want to make tasteless jokes about Jesus Christ! You want to eliminate saying 'Merry Christmas?' You got it! Let's step on the faces of these lousy Crishtins! Jesus wasn't even born on Decemeber 25! We bring secular light to their ignorance! You want to bash Judaism! No problem! We need the jokes.

But don't you dare attack Islam. Don't you know these people are insane? By doing it, it will endanger our troops (as if the insane attacks about Bush being a murderer was any better)! Why, you can't be this daft can you?

Not only do we have double-standards at work here but specious logic to go along with it.

Man, some commentators like Pat Buchanan and Vice-pres Joe Biden were calling for U.S. Marshalls to be dispatched? Are you kidding me? In case you haven't noticed, the United States has waaaayyy more serious problems to attend to. I don't know, like, the economy to cite one precious pressing example?

To me, this is more retarded than the pastor himself. They claim by attacking Afghanistan and intervening in wars of aggression you only galvanize people to join terrorist organizations. Fair enough. So, how is giving this pastor any attention by essentially declaring war on the moron any different? After all, it can spark a torch under the ass of some other nut job if we continue the logic.

The guy should have been ignored outright. The majority of Americans would have. Instead, the Americans took a non-issue and turned into something bigger as we did with the silly long-form census debate.

So much for freedom of speech.

We pick and choose when we tolerate it. And that's not good enough for me.


  1. Don't you get it? It's the fact that it is a non-issue that made it what Americans wanted to talk about. Maybe this wouldn't have happened if Lindsey Lohan wasn't in jail...

    Also, making fun of Jews (or especially Israel) is a good way to never get work in the media ever again. And mocking Christianity isn't as acceptable as you think. Let's put it this way... I don't even blink when I get an e~mailed death threat anymore. I just smile and think "Aww, that person need religion really bad."

  2. Gossip for the chatteting classes, eh?

    I hope you lie.

    About those death threats.


Mysterious and anonymous comments as well as those laced with cyanide and ad hominen attacks will be deleted. Thank you for your attention, chumps.