
Ex-Patriots Know Better

It's funny how Cuban and Iraqi ex-patriots I speak to or hear on the radio rarely agree with prevailing beliefs among some of us.

For example, Cuba is often praised for its 100% literacy rates and universal health care. Furthermore, its problems are often attributed to the American embargo. Just going to Cuba and observing carefully you discover quickly that's a dubious claim. Aside from the lack of medicine and food, the black market in Cuba is rampant. In addition, the EU and Canada trades with Cuba. Most former Cubans - either those who escaped or were exiled during the revolution - know the truth of the sad state of their beautiful island. Defending Castro is about as useful as complaining about the weather in Quebec in January. In other words, it's wasteful and futile. In fact, I'll go a step further: it's immoral to defend him from the comforts of our shores.

In the case of Iraq, some people claim Hussein kept that country in order; that the number of people he killed may be exaggerated. Yet, most level-headed Iraqi's are not quite so macabre in their intellectuality. They lived through the heinousness of his regime. From Kurds to ordinary citizens, it's hard not find someone touched by this madman. Though they may question the methods used, they do welcome a chance for Iraq to find freedom and choose its own course. Iraq sensibilities and culture was incongruent to Hussein's murderous psychopathic dictatorship.

These are the words of former citizens. I recognize they don't represent all people however I do think they speak for the majority.


  1. Great comparison! I just hope that in 50 years Iraq looks more like Panama (20 years after a toppled dictator) than Cuba.

    End the Embargo! http://www.thehegemonist.com/2008/12/end-cuban-embargo-to-end-communist.html

  2. Thanks for the praise! Your blog has a great mix of humor and information that you don't find often(well, apart from the Comedy Central news programs). I'd kill a man to be able to go to Cuba, but I fear that it would put my security clearance in jeopardy. Such is life!

  3. It's always nice to have credible people reading this blog. Lord knows, the author leads a borderline existence.


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