
The Irony Of Progressive Justice

Progressives believe their shit don't stink. But to the rest of us, it does and it stains.

The one thing that annoys me about their concept of 'equality' and 'justice' is that it's inherently unjust.

They tinker with a social ill (take your pick) and paste a coerced piece of legislation on it and call it success. Social engineering at its finest. To them, because 50 + 1 is enough to fuck things up.

Like Quebec nationalists who, in their infinite clueless stupidity, actually think 50.1% is enough to bust up an entire country.

Let me digress a second. I was in Ottawa - the nation's capital in case you've forgotten - skating on the Rideau Canal with my daughter yesterday where, naturally, there were many Quebecers. It got me thinking. If we'd separate, I can't help but think it would leave a lot of ill-feeling towards the province. I can't see how Quebec would unilaterally with a tiny majority (if they can even muster that) break off (of course, in a way where they'd still be 'associated' on some level) the rest of the country won't cast a dark eye upon us - and rightfully so.


Back to the progs.

A progressive doesn't mind a new law that empowers one group over another so long as it fits their agenda. So, if you don't consent to a particular proposal but are in the minority, this act of injustice whereby you will be forced to go along with the rest of the sheep is too bad for you.

How is this on any level "fair?"

The answer is, it isn't. Never was, never will be.

Obamacare is a recent example of outrageous liberal unfairness. Not only is it fucking millions over, it's a piece of "settled law" that has been ripped to shreds with a machete of exemptions and loopholes.

It's a travesty of a bill.

In progressville, this is called 'collateral damage.' Too bad. Your plan likely sucked anyway.

They have zero faith in the individual making his or own decisions free of a third party intervention. They have no rights on an individual level for it must be subservient to 'collective rights' above all.

Personally, you can't square progressive philosophy with freedom for its entire framework relies on coercion. Left to fend for itself in the halls of free market ideas, it falters. It attracts little. But add emotion, the macro-social picture (however, specious in its foundation) and some good old fashioned empty rhetoric and you're good to go.

I was listening to the radio earlier about Obama's gibbering drivel on minimum wage and someone (a small business owner who is concerned) pointed out something. He has a staff of workers that took them three years to achieve the $10 level after starting out at minimum wage. He rewarded them as they showed they deserved raises and has a good relationship with his employees because he's loyal and honest about meeting their needs.

Now, all of a sudden, politicians are telling him now you must pay $10.10. So the newbee with no experience leap frogs the people who earned their keeps over a period of multiple months because fucking progs say so? How is that fair to them? Assuming they manage to get a job at all.

Again, it isn't.

And too bad.

Fuck you, because we say so.

That's why.

It's a pitiful display of good intentions gone awry.

The more we want to  make things just, the more we distort it.

I will submit that government legislation of this sort damages more lives than guns do.

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