
Tom Harkin (D) Is An Idiot

What is it with fricken Western liberals and their sick fetish for Cuba?

Cuba is a shit hole.

Know why?

It's run by a fucking dictator. It's a communist regime. Communism (and its derelict offshoot socialism) excels at shittiness. It excels at enhancing death and despair. It bullies, imprisons and even murders its own citizens. Wonder if that figures in Harkin's dumbass, infantile, vapid takes on Coooba.

Communists are miserable, envious dopes and Western progressives who keep singing its praises intellectually - nay! morally - defunct assholes. They're ideologies fit for natural born losers.

Seriously. I've grown tired by this crap.

It's not a sleight on the people of Cuba.  From my interactions with them, they're wonderful folk. But that they produce great ball players and musicians doesn't mean things are a-okay there. And I wouldn't accept any stat - or at least take with a grain of salt - that comes out of a communist regime - including China.

A couple of my buddies are from Cuba and they can but look on in horror listening to these idiots fawn over a dictatorship that effectively destroyed Cuba.


I'll let Rubio take it from here.

As for the rest of you who think Harkin has a point, go lick a frozen fence post.

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