
Our Compassionate Governance

Each time I hear about how the government 'care' for people and enacts laws for our collective and mutual benefit, I can but laugh because I know the government operates in a non-compassionate, 'one-size fits all' manner. It has no time for each individual circumstance.

We see proof of this every single day and you may have experienced it as well. I know I have. In one variation or another exclaiming "That makes no sense in my situation!" is possibly the most uttered phrase on the continent.

Notice, for example, the madness that went on in Florida in the face of a dying boy.

As I understand it, states, like provinces, depend on Federal cash. Those transfers are dependent on all sorts of criteria (including performance). Hence, it makes them do crazy things.

On one end, states and provinces like to exert and exact "independence" (which we know all too well here in Quebec) but on the other hand are addicted to Federal funds.


  1. Anonymous2/11/2014

    Don't think other nations are in a better situation. The 'one-size fits all' method is universal. Here in Italy with the 'Riforma delle pensioni Fornero' and its complex rulings – often necessary because the population is aging - some people retired to finally find out that they had no pension AT ALL. An extreme case, and yet ...

  2. Ciao, signore Roma! Yes, all true. But I'm at the point there are better ways to encourage our workers to save for their future. That 'one size fits all' is universal has little - or should have - currency.


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