The New York Times can go fuck itself.
They're trying to save face here. Pathetic bunch of sycophantic whores.
Obama lost credibility? So has the NYT if you ask me.
Read the comments. When they turn on you...
Not only that, this espionage with Verizon thing is so egregious it has the far left and far right united on privacy issues.
Of course, they're right.
From comments:
"It is with a heavy heart that I admit I am beginning to lose faith in my
government--one I worked tirelessly to reelect as a member of President
Obama's Campaign Headquarters team.
I am a very pragmatic man. I
could justify targeted drone strikes and limited surveillance because I
trusted my government to practice restraint and to act in my best
No longer can I stand idly by, supporting an
administration I so desperately want to succeed, only to watch the
snowballing impact of administrative overreach confound any conceivable
notion of liberty I may hold."
Sorry dude, but you're an idiot. There was more than enough to consider NOT reelecting Obama. But hey, binders and big bird were more important.
Trust the government? Are you kidding me?
From the top once more, Leopold:
You shouldn't trade any of your personal liberties for government protection or welfare.
If you consent to it, then don't be surprised what you get for your troubles.
"This is the problem with the two-party system. Most Democrats have not
been vocal enough in questioning Obama because he's their guy, and any
criticism could be used against them in the next election. Most
Republicans cannot make a coherent argument against surveillance without
being seen as hypocrites.
We were left with two Senators trying
to warn us of this government's overreach, and no one cared to listen.
On many issues, Obama is Bush with a better vocabulary, and it seems
Americans are starting to realize this for the first time.'
Not to toot my own horn but I did call this - as did soooo many others. Did I not argue that Obama was basically a slick talking an emperor with no clothes?
Even the Washington Post has had it.
It's nice to see all Americans are not accepting what the Attorney-General Eric Holder and the Obama administration are pulling on wiretapping; neigh liberty.
So what do you earn when you trip up and end up in the middle of a controversy not yet settled?
A promotion of course.
Obama - the I didn't do it President - made Susan Rice top foreign a promotion. Right in the middle of the Benghazi firestorm investigation. If you recall, she went along with the 'it was a mob because of the video' line.
Let's make her National Security Advisor.
Obama's middle finger is really fat.
It's now been reported the IRS has lost $4 million dollar of receipts. It's turning out a culture of lavish and luxurious spending was quite rampant.
Now. Just curious. I wonder what would happen to a commoner if they couldn't find, say, $400 worth of receipts.
Let me expand it to all these trade junkets that command a fleet of 30 or 40 people living it up off the tax dollar dime. I can't stand that because it's mostly bull shit.
I ask: Who are the extremists?
It's a two-tiered Obama world. Private excesses in the free market system is bad. Public excesses with tax dollars is good. After all, you should trust your government as Obama cynically pleads
Mayor Rob Ford crack user? Dunno. But I do like the fact he changed Toronto's free-spending culture. Ford, by all accounts leads by example as he uses his own money to fund charity events.
Real fiscal responsibility I say!
Apparently bodies are flying.
Look, this is a terrible (and a crime. Then again so is smoking pot on the continent and the last three presidents admitted to smoking it with Obama even admitting to using cocaine) and it does point to character but politicians are narcissistic borderline sociopaths so it shouldn't surprise us that they have skeletons in the closet or they like to be kinky.
Produce the video.
I keep hearing how Peter Mansbridge is a great anchorman with no bias on CBC.
My definition of a great anchorman is one who is able to remain impartial and objective. I don't think Mansbridge fits the bill. He clearly has Harper Syndrome Disease (related to Bush Deranged Syndrome).
I won't even try and understand what Hank Aaron went through in his life - the baseball documentary 'Nine Innings' by Ken Burns disclosed some of the hate mail Aaron received while chasing Babe Ruth's home run record. It was ugly. Nasty. Evil.
But this ridiculous hack job by Bob Nightengale in USA Today only serves to continue this tired "it's the white man's fault' narrative that tends to creep up in sports a little too often.
Nightengale shouldn't pander to this 'baseball doesn't do enough for black kids' garbage as if there's some conspiratorial backroom dealings among whites to suppress blacks. Nor do I think baseball hasn't been great to Aaron. Dude is absolutely adored and MLB does a great job honoring his achievements. It makes no sense.
It's a shame Aaron carries this bitterness with him. It must corrode his soul. I've spoken to and read about many people who have faced major obstacles in their lives. Most maintained a proud dignity in their disposition. They refused to let evil dictate their lives. It's uplifting to listen to their stories if anything to show how strong the human spirit is.
I don't know why Aaron is not even keeping a balanced perspective. To my generation, Aaron was an iconic symbol not too far off Jackie Robinson.
755 is as magical a number in baseball as 714 is majestic. No one cares about 773.
It goes to show Hank, you're revered.
Why so bitter? Hanging out with Jim Brown much?
And on a personal note. My parents are slowly beginning the process of divesting their holdings. We're taking the Family Inc. business to another level (we hope anyway) and one could only hope it'll lead me away from Quebec.
An interesting thing I found out while I spoke to our accountant about tax liabilities that will result in the sale of a commercial property.
Turns out that the proceeds from the sale is a large enough amount for the government to ask my parents pay back their Old Age Security (OAS). Imagine that, you dutifully and diligently play by all the rules dictated and coerced by the government - taxes and social costs - for half a century and because you succeeded that little amount YOU EARNED has to be paid back because you earned an amount the government arbitrarily considers 'rich?'
What's that saying? Rewarding the losers and punishing the successful?
Fucking communists. Sometimes it is just better to get off the grid and go on the welfare dole or work a skill under the table. The raping of the productive is necessary I guess to keep 'civilization' going.
But I try to run against or from civilization.
I digress.
The other thing I consider invalid is the paying of capital gains and dividend taxes - income that fuels wealth for any and all.
They're essentially engaging in double taxation since it's money that's already been taxes.
It's the government way of maintaining that long tradition of getting its cut long established since Egyptian times. When the mob does it, it's illegal. When the government does it, it's legal.
As a small-business owner, moreover, I can't collect employment insurance (EI) for myself should I lose my business (and believe me we're one bad policy away from that) since I'm ineligible. So while I take the risk if I fail I have little of that 'social safety net' offered.
It's, I guess, the progressives view of "fairness."
Pay your fair share but apparently my fair share doesn't get me a piece of the fair share square.
One thing I learned is that progressive policies are anything but fair an just. More like dazed and confused.
Last but not least, the Quebec government is taking out ads with the slogan 'Un Quebec Pour Tous.' A Quebec For All. This with Bill 14 on the table.
These people are priceless. Just priceless.
Yeah, I'm gonna go out and call bull shit here.
Until you knock it off with the language crap, you can go suck on a pear. I want no part of 'un Quebec pour tous.'
Just wondering: What's the artificial French word for 'bagel?'
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