
Euthanasia: A Question Of Cost Not Compassion

Quebec is not letting go of euthanasia.

It's too bad.

And sad.

I understand the part of people not suffering but do we really, really want the government to make that decision? Do people actually believe the government gives a shit about people? As far as they're concerned it's a write-off. We live in such an expansive welfare state killing off people is considered 'savings.'

It's macabre on so many levels.

And unethical.

Shit, it's downright evil.

The government of Quebec has made a mess of our finances - OUR money - and now you want them to enter the realm of life? Them as arbitrators of who lives and dies? Really?

Before you know it, you will be squeezed out of the decision making process completely. You won't have a say. That's what happens when you let the government enter your private life under the guise of compassionate policy - a bloody myth if there ever was one.

There are better ways to tend to our sick. An enlightened society - a real enlightened one - would not advocate killing people like animals.

And before you cite other places like Belgium, Holland and Germany and states like Oregon, best to remember that the definition of euthanasia has been loosened over the years. I'm sure plenty of people who were euthanized could be living today.

The Quebec government assures us it would only take place under 'strict' conditions.

Bull shit.

If you believe that you're a fool.

Palliative care may cost us a tad more  but isn't this the TRUE measure of a compassionate society? Let doctors and families make this sacred decision.

Fall of the West.

Continues in a free fall.

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