
Being Liberal Means Not Having To Be Really Free

Classic case of liberals in name only.  What they claim is liberal is actually socialist.

They're socialist because their conception of freedom or liberty includes coercive action to 'equalize' whatever injustices liberty brings.

Enter at your own risk.

Comment of the day:

Libertarians usually use freedom as a quick word to describe the Non Aggression Principle: free from initiated violence, i.e., not threatening peaceful people with violence as a means of control and coercion. Getting down to the details requires defining "violence", "the initiation of violence", "peaceful", etc. It gets wordy, so we use the word "freedom."

Progressives see libertarians claim "freedom" as a principle (not an adjective describing principle), and then claim it as their own, defining it as whatever they want, and stating that we're all morally equivalent because we both want freedom, we just define it differently. So, conscience clear by false equivalency, they have no qualms with forcing their vision down our throats, since, apparently, that's freedom, too, and we'd be shoving our concept of freedom down their throats if we don't let them, i.e., if we resist the initiation of violence.

It's similar to when libertarians say that they oppose violence, and are accused of being pacifists. We use "violence" instead of "initiation of violence" to avoid wordiness, and people miss the point.


  1. I just want to know why liberals call themselves progressives now?

  2. Ask them.

    I know that conservatives used the word for a time up here - Progressive Conservative. Other than that dunno how the word got expropriated by liberals.

    As if those outside the camp are unprogressive.

    Yeah, 'cuz Maddow, Matthews and the new breed of kids writing at Salon are soooo 'progressive.'



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