
Useless Studies

Here's a top ten list of useless degrees. While I agree, with eight or nine of the ten, not sure that Art History is "useless." I know and know of quite a few executives with liberal arts degrees. Sometimes the brightest and most ambitious of people go into the arts; maybe their minds are more open. I don't know.

Another list.


  1. Anonymous11/06/2011

    They surely are more open


  2. Nice list. I agree Art history should not be there.

  3. Anonymous11/08/2011

    Considering not only Arts history but Arts & History (ie humanities) they are not much valued today because they do not have an immediate practical end, since the real interest here is the interior development of one's mind by the assimilation of the cultural past of modern European civilization.

    In other words, the study of humanities means learning something - I am referring especially to the civilization of Greece and Rome — that is a precondition to our modern civilization and that allows us to 'know ourselves' consciously (Antonio Gramsci's words.) Which opens up our mind wholly and further empowers us in any other field (also and especially scientific).

    A good parallel could be that of a jazz musician. If he also masters classical music he will be a greater jazz musician or musician tout court (if classical music doesn’t block him).

  4. Anonymous11/08/2011

    It is not wrong to be 'practical' ("What career would you ever get with ...") but putting together Phallus, Surfing, and Star Trek studies with Philosophy and Arts history, c’mon.

    [Blah blah blah]

  5. The humanities, as far as I'm concerned, is under rated. We don't learn ENOUGH of it. Not everything has to have a "functional" or "practical" end. Humanities cultures us; it nourishes us with knowledge. I refute the list putting it at #1.


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