
Korea Overtaking Japan

We scream about China.

I reckon the Japanese rail against Korea on their airwaves.

Remember when Japan could do no wrong? I love bringing up how we were told to learn Japanese in university every chance I get. Dumbasses.

It's not just with television Korea has impacted Japan; cars too.

Things change.

The problem with Japan's economy is it predominantly and export economy. It imports all of its raw materials.


  1. The reason that South Korea is surpassing Japan is that Japan exceeded its manufacturing capabilities and began "exploiting" it (S.K.) for its cheap labor, just as they did with Taiwan. It is the way of the industrialized world. A vicious cycle: make quality but cheap products, sell them, grow too expensive to make those products cheaply, look for places to do so, exploit them, then find them competing with you. Call it the "domino effect" of capitalism.

  2. So true. The West is on the back end of that cycle.


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