
God Overcomes an atheist god

I came across one Antony Flew and a discussion on his book "There is a God: How the world's most notorious atheist changed his mind." Flew, as I found out, is the god of atheists...excuse the pun.

It was an interesting read if anything to hear how atheists rationalized his reversal. It's quite a turn to take given the rampant secularism that grips modernity.

Today, if you're a secularist that refutes religion outright you are considered a critical thinker.

If you're an atheist all the better.

Of course, this is all poppycock.

Since I believe in God I can't possibly be advanced or progressive in my thinking? The case against religion is obvious enough. But I fear the case for religion has been eradicated from the discussion.

I'm a moderate and as such I at least attmept to apply a little more thought to religion. I don't believe it's a spent force nor do I accept it's the root of everything evil.

That being said, since I believe in God this somehow puts me out of the chic intellectual loop so to speak.

That's fine by me.

God may not exist. There's no way to prove his existence or not. So if it's impossible to prove he exists how can we be sure he doesn't?

I suck at betting. But I'm pretty good at sports pools. One old axiom that was/is sometimes used is never bet against a certain team known to be powerful on its home turf. Growing up, common sense dictated never bet against the Montreal Canadiens in the old majestic Forum - even if the Edmonton Oilers dynasty were in town.

My conclusion is: Don't bet against God. It may very well have home field advantage.

Is Flew a sports fan?


  1. I once read, "God is invisible. There's your proof. You can't see Him, right? Therefore He exists."

  2. Sounds suspiciously like Pascal's wager to me....

  3. Anonymous7/11/2008

    I have jut come across four books on the failings of atheism. (Frequently it is more dogmatic than religion and it usually deals with a caricature of religion - extreme fundamentalism.) The best is No One Sees God by Michael Novak. I think an agnostic (does not know whether God exists) is more plausible than an atheist.

  4. It's a battle between extremists, moderates and those who reject religion outright.

    Diesel, yes!!


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