
Baffling Brits Set To Copy French

Labour leading in Britain.

It's almost as if they want to be abused.

Winning strategy there.

"He drew a comparison between Mr Miliband's economic policies and the arguments articulated by Mr Obama in 2008, saying both have at their core "the experience of everyday people."

Aren't we all 'everyday' people? Are some people humans some of the time? Of course, rich people can't be everyday people. They're every third day people or whatever usual arbitrary figure they come up with.

What typical left-wing drivel.

Bah, what do you expect? They booted Churchill out after what he did for them in WWII. It took a conservative to knock sense into that country. And when things go right again go with a liberal. Then the cycle repeats.

I jest but no.


  1. You've nailed it again, T.C. The public is fickle. And ungrateful... and stupid.

  2. I was reading a story about the Albuquerque police and its arrogant use of excessive force. Finally they got a reform minded police chief and he was railroaded out with the help of.... the public. They wanted to be deceived and mistreated it seems. Maybe we suffer from Stockholm Syndrome after all these years of being under the thumb of our masters.


Mysterious and anonymous comments as well as those laced with cyanide and ad hominen attacks will be deleted. Thank you for your attention, chumps.