
Social Media Has Little Value To Me

Over the last few months, I've had  a few requests to join Twitter in my inbox.

I ignore those messages but the problem is they keep god dang resending them. "So and so is waiting for you to join them on Twitter" as if it's expected of me.

The temptation is there for me to respond, "fuck off." Alas, I want to answer that way in 90% of my emails. "Hey, T.C.!" "Fuck off!"

Not everyone is interested in expressing themselves in 140 characters or less.

I fucking hate those repetitive requests.


I'm a little more tolerant with Linkedin. I joined years ago when it was still a rather unknown place so I've pretty much let it be. Not that anyone ever offered me a job. Oh, wait. Bank of Montreal was trying to recruit me for their investment arm. At the time, I had no interest. Still don't. I wonder about the usefulness of Linkedin. I stare up at the ceiling all night wondering...

Anyway, I get invitations and for the most part I know the people so I just go with the flow.


Can't stand websites that in order to comment you need to signup through Facebook.

What's up with that shit?

I'm gonna start my own website: BodyBinder!

1 comment:

  1. Social media are like swamps... easy to wander in but then the quicksand, the mire, and the tangling vines...


Mysterious and anonymous comments as well as those laced with cyanide and ad hominen attacks will be deleted. Thank you for your attention, chumps.