
Rand Paul Begins The Long Hard Journey: Talking To Schools

"Howard University student to Sen. Rand Paul: "Good afternoon, Senator. My name is Keenan Glover, I’m an administration of justice major from Rochester, New York. A freshman, as well. You say you want to provide a government that leaves us alone. Quite frankly, I don’t want that. I want a government that is going to help me. I want a government that is going to help me fund my college education. I want a government that won’t define me by my FAFSA or by my family’s income. I’m a dollar sign with a heartbeat in this nation. This society is a mirror image of Capitol Hill. Do you, Senator Rand Paul, have a solution to come up with new American values so that the citizens of this nation have a worth of more than dead presidents and Ben Franklin?" 

Rand Paul is hitting the College trail. This is exactly what he needs to do. First up, Howard University.

It's the only way to challenge all the myths, lies and misunderstandings of the libertarian position. For example, smaller government doesn't mean you want people to starve. Rather, it asks for a shifting of values with a strong focus on the role of individuals in the process.

Paul did a good job.

As you can tell from the above quote, some people can't be helped or dissuaded. It's actually pitiful the extent moochery has reached.  All you need to know about what the Keenan Glovers of the world can lead to just look at Quebec's student protests.

Hey, kid. Bend over. There. That's how the government wipes your ass. Hurts eh?

The last sentence is anti-history. It's one of those "look at how smart I am" snark remarks that has no real intellectual merit.

Nice discussion about this, as usual, at Reason. Best comments community on the net!

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