
Loans For The Subsidized And Other Thoughts

No one has been able to answer me this question so far.

To date, most banks have refused to give me a loan/line of credit for my private daycare. Only one has stepped up and they will get my business if I manage to survive and open a second one. It's simple. Support me and you get all future businesses.

Alas, it's a logic only I can understand. The banks could care less with their ultra-conservative, tight credit disposition. The line repeated to me is they "prefer to lend to subsidized daycares." Which begs the following thoughts and questions:

1) The government is not giving out subsidies these days.
2) Why would a subsidized daycare need a loan? Aren't they already well take care of by the government? Some daycares get up to $800 000.
3) The bank is part of the game that really costs taxpayers more money than it should. Private daycare is cheaper and more efficient for society.

The best line I got from one of the "Big Six" banks was, "You'll succeed. It's a great business to be in but we can't lend you money. You don't have enough kids* and we'd rather lend to subsidized daycares. But come to us for your next project!"

That's when you want to give the big middle finger. 

*I'm close to 1/3 filled in just 2 1/2 months. Apparently, that's normal.


The other thing I have a problem with is the government reacts aggressively whenever they come across a private daycare that breaks the law. Society curls in shock (as they should) at some of the cases reported. However, I wish they'd be more fair in how they approach things rather than paint all private services with one brush. There's no question there's an anti-business/private bent in Quebec - heck, North America as a whole. No doubt about it. The only people who come to me are professionals.

Yet, whenever scandals take place with public officials and programs, the people's only option is to vote them out. There's no way to crack down on political corruption by having a "private inspectors" investigate them.


Speaking of anti-business. I read often that Obama is anti-business. I don't know if it's that in as much it's just not his thing. I listen to him speak and all I see is a guy who gives off the impression that dealing with such subjects is a nuisance. His ideas are deplorably boring and typical and his language can be interpreted as not being friendly to business.

He's not alone. There are plenty like him. Mostly people who don't own businesses. They aint's got a clue.

Wanna help business? Lay off the "tax credits" crap. That's good for established businesses. For start-ups, it's all about the NOW. My feeling is forgive all the bull shit excessive taxes and permits for one year. Give businesses a chance since, on average, the first three years are the most critical. Hit them where it matters most - IMMEDIATELY.

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