
Afghanistan Draw Down

If Afghanistan is ready to stand on its own two feet, why not pull out? If not, why do it considering General Petreus was looking to keep the momentum going America's and its allies were said to be building?

It will be interesting to see what Harper does with Canadian troops. Originally, we were expected to stay until 2011 and see through the mandate set by the Liberals.


  1. Anonymous6/24/2011

    It's the hypocrisy. We are pulling out of an area where our enemy is known to be hiding, and making war against us. At the same time, we are involved in No. Africa where we have zero, zippo need to be at all, and the POTUS and his Secretary of State are chiding the U.S. House for their rebuke of a highly questionable set of actions on the Administration's part.

  2. Seems like he's following public pressure? Why do it then?

    Yeah, Libya was silly. But no ground troops were sent. To me, Libya should be Europe's responsibility.

  3. Anonymous6/24/2011

    Of course it should be Europe's responsibility. The problem is that Europe hasn't the military it needs to deal with problems that concern Europe so they sucker the U.S. and Canada into these things. It is what I've been saying on my blog since this farce began.

  4. I think they have enough between the sovereign and NATO armies. They just lack will. It's easy when you know the USA (and yes, to a lesser extent Canada) is around.


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