
Meanwhile Beyond Wuhan

Obamagate has exploded.

And the media covered its eyes and ears.

Just like Tara Reade. #Believeher has suddenly gone AWOL.

Principals over principles as they say.

Anyway, as we've suspected all along, the Obama administration was pretty much an illegal enterprise to the point of attempting a soft coup of an elected official.

I must say. To all those news organizations, outlets and reporters who had the courage to step up and report the facts (and you know who you are), thank you. In an age of total misinformation pimped by the mainstream legacy media and its whores on TV and print, you were a shining light of truth.

The truth shall prevail as they say and if you tell the truth, you can't get into trouble and you will be free - figurative and literally.

Unfortunately, despite the revelations people too corroded by the lies having invested all their personal intellectual and emotional energies buying into the Russia narrative, people will just either dismiss it or claim there is 'no truth'. Moral relativism is the last refuge of a scoundrel if you ask me.

Turns out, as suspected and understood, General Michael Flynn should never have been investigated and what was perpetuated upon him was a travesty of due process. The confession was coerced to the point FBI agents - acting as enemies of the people - threatened his family.

Obama, Biden and all their minions acted like run of the mill left-wing bums, hobos, and hoodlums.


So far, as we can tell, mostly because, and I'll be blunt, General Flynn thought they were degenerate flunkies. That's my interpretation.

They were a foreign policy disaster particularly when it came to Iran who never ever stopped their proxy wars despite the pile of shit Iran deal signed and so loved by the establishment.

Here are some links to this important story - far more relevant than this Covid-19 hysteria.

Sidney Powell has an interesting one. 

Treasury Department spied on Flynn and others.

Just keep an eye out for this developing story.

If this were a Republican government we'd already have a move or Netflix series.

Instead, we get Obama still flapping his gums undermining a sitting President. Love how the media says stupid things like 'In a rare public appearance..."

He shows his smug mug so often, one wonders if he's still President. But it's a shadow government he and his little gang of sowers of discord racket they're running.

Other links here.



And for fun....

Mexico looking to launch an investigation into Obama's Fast & Furious gun running fiasco. 

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