
Spare Us The Kabuki Theatre: Open The Economy Up

This is crazy.

It's 8 degrees celsius outside and 'social distancing' is pretty much a suggestion now. I'm watching my neighbours and they're practicing it when they feel like it. In fact, right at this moment two of them are sharing a beer while sitting right next to each other.

The whole thing is crumbling and idiot leaders (particularly Governors in the United States. This is one time I'm actually happy to be in Quebec where we've escaped the madness of fining and/or arresting people) are doubling down drawing up obscene rules and laws that are clear cut affronts on civil liberties. This pandemic is not going to kill us all. And if you believe that, stay home. Leave the rest of us alone.

Our health care system is in great hands. I have faith and trust in them.

None of their directives make sense.

Spare us the theatre of control and reopen the economy full stop.

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