
Daily Wuhanderp

Hey, hang on a sec. I thought 'resisting' was patriotic!
"President Trump on Friday openly encouraged right-wing protests of social distancing restrictions in states with stay-at-home orders"
The Ascot Times (aka Social Justice Cabal New York Times)

Principals over principles. They swing back and forth in a swirl of sophistry progressives.


Remember this the next time some moron or vapid politician says, 'settled science!'

It's never settled. Science is never settled. Repeat after me...if someone tells you this you ignore them.


Have you noticed how many times politicians hide behind 'we follow the science' to justify their dubious draconian measures?

If they're gonna let the medical bureaucrats dictate policy, then what are they good for exactly?


You reap what you sow. We all know social justice and affirmative action movement has put people in positions of power when they clearly didn't merit it. Someone is gonna have to come up with a new variation of The Duding-Kruger  effect and Peter Principle to fit the sad state of affairs.

We see it everyday in action here in Canada.

Head coronavirus researcher sees plots, genocide and racism.

She may be a great research talent but she's heading straight for Lysenkoism. In fact, I submit what the politicians are doing is some form of Lysenkoism in their over-indulgent 'we follow the science' stuff. In case you haven't noticed, they haven't exactly been infallible. This is why it's critical we maintain a healthy skepticism.

I hope this pandemic also forces us to stop hiring people based on quotas.

Anyway. I hope Trump fires her. You have to slowly clean house of these nut cases. She clearly decided to make this about politics and is not up to the job as a professional.

Here'a another unproductive thought:

So Dr. Fauci and Dr. Adams, check your privilege. Think critically. Stop spreading harmful fallacies that support white supremacy. Most importantly, listen to people who actually understand and study racial disparities as they pertain to healthcare, like

She's asking them to 'think critically' and then goes on to spew logical fallacies.  'critical theory social construct' doesn't mean 'critical thinking'. Epic.

Where are these 'PhD' designation coming from? Candy dispensers?

I'll close with a comment on this Tweet by Corbett:

Replying to
No absolutely not. White men are not to be dismissed, but the systems that they (ancestors or current) curated are.
Which may as well because our ancestors (and Corbett can ignore this all she wants but this would make her a dangerous, illiberal, ignorant fool) founded the concept of logic. That is the Ancient Greeks noticed the logical folly all around them and moved to form logic in order to eradicate sophistry. How convenient for Corbett she wants to dismiss it given her sophistry.

Above all, she's a scientist. Does she deep in the pit of her soul believe that the works of scientific giants from Kepler to Galileo to Pasteu to Boyle (and so on) are to be 'dismissed?' They laid the foundational scientific tracks and principles of science to which YOU ADHERE. 

Preposterously asinine to the point of one must wonder what is going on.

If she believes that she can take this and then tell them to 'fuck off', she has bigger problems in her head.

She'll end up on CNN as a talking head.


This poses a dilemma for progressives. They've taken to loving Dr. Fauci who has become some sort of cult hero to them for some reason for merely being the head of the CDC. Take Ann Curry:

Apr 13
Fauci is saving lives, as he has over many years, despite ridicule, heartbreak and death threats, knowing that protecting people in a pandemic is bigger than politics. That is enough to call him a hero.”

But here's the thing. You could be right in concluding the only reason why she says this (and insufferably repeats it is less about 'loving' science and more about hating Orange Man Bad.

Now comes this black researcher spewing conspiracy theories which quite frankly should indeed bring into question whether she's fit for the job.

Curry has some kind of problem to crack. People like her have created a faux-principled matrix built on race and not principles. So does she go with the science here? Or does she side with the color of the skin?

Remember. These are the gatekeepers of the media.

In all cases, the comments are spectacularly shallow it degrades into sloppy sophistry.


Another observation. The pandemic is showing division in unexpected ways.

In the U.S., you see Red states looking to slowly open up (taking a far more nuanced approach than the media gives it credit for) whereas Blue states are demanding they stay in lockdown while slowly eradicating basic civl liberties.

One lives in fear the other does not let fear drive them.

One may conclude the Blue states are just more 'educated' and 'follow science' but I think they be wrong.

The same thing here in Canada. Where Justin says we're weeks away from anything, Quebec - led by a pro-business populist party - is looking to wisely open up slowly and progressively.

I know which side I prefer.

And it's certainly not people like this.

You can stay put and pant shit Pierce but have the decency to shut up and step aside. Not everyone is as lucky as you to be able to write and spew for a living getting all sorts of incestuous awards writers hadn't out to each other. If you choose to turn a blind eye to petty power grabs from wannabe tyrants who, when not challenged will only seek more petty power grabs, so be it.


I'm not done here. For some reason his shtick really grates.

Apparently, to Pierce and his band of smug idiots, if you you want to go to work and don't support going on welfare and staying shut down' YOU'RE the ignoramus; the anti-science kook.

Bunch of twats.

I had to take on debt to give my business afloat to assuage the Pierces of this world. 

They're actively mocking fellow citizens for a) not being 'smart' like them because fly over...DUH and b) not accepting the highly dubious excessive measures.

That people like this want a shut down is enough for me to conclude OPEN it up. They don't have to face people whose lives are ruined because of their self-absorbed demands.

See, to smart-alec progressives like Pierce don't give a shit about the unintended consequences to society because, well, they're assholes.

And if the issues of domestic violence, suicides, broken marriages, bankruptcies became an increasing eality, he'll just write some rant about how it will all be Trump's fault completely absolving himself of his own role in the societal mess by supporting a shut down.

This from a guy who once wrote:

"If she had lived, Mary Jo Kopechne would be 62 years-old. Through his tireless work as a legislator, Edward Kennedy would have brought comfort to her in her old age". Boston Globe, January 5, 2003.

Any questions? Sounds like he never evolved. 

His moral compass is broken. But there he is....Tweeting like an asshat passing judgment on people who merely want to work.

Go sip your Sherry Pierce. And don't forget to get your ascot cleaned. It's stained. 


It's hard not to think that in some way the progressive cult want the shut down to continue in an effort to take Orange Man Bad out.

The best way to do this is to tank the economy. At least this is what they think.

Crazy? Recall that people like Maher wanted a 'recession' to hurt Trump.


My favorite part of this pandemic is people who live in population density of 25,000 per square mile scolding people who live in a population density of 25 per square mile


The way I see it.

It's rather remarkable how many people are willing to give up their rights over this pandemic.  People are free to follow orders but what I find troubling is when they justify trying to take everyone else’s rights away too. As I pointed out in a previous derp, there's a petition going around where a woman was angry Quebec is planning to open up (imagine that!) and demanded everything stay closed until September. And if September they find something else to be afraid of? What if it's determined the vaccine will take longer? Or worse, there may not even be one? What then? Hide in fear indefinitely like Justin seems to think?

If you're afraid, then stay home. For those of us who take a more statistical and nuanced approach based on the information provided (and even then capable of digesting and dismissing the parts that may be a tad hysterical or designed for political purposes), have the decency to respect this. No, you don't get to hide behind the 'follow the science' trope to justify your authoritarianism and claims of 'infecting us all'.

The spin is a little different in the USA where they seriously have to ponder issues like freedom of speech and bans on gatherings is a violation of the right to assemble peacefully. Stay at home orders are a violation of the Fifth Amendment in the United Sattes since they deprive you of your liberty without due process. 

A mayor’s or governor’s executive order is NOT a law and is not legally enforceable on the citizenry.

So all these pundits rolling their damn eyes at people who correctly and justifiably point this out aren't intellectuals.

They're just sheep following orders doing what they told.

Know who else did that?


Canada and USA agree to close the border for another 30 days.

That's nice but the time to have taken tough action back in February or March right around the time they said it would be 'racist' to do so.

Trudeau is trying to regain the narrative on our backs.

What a joke.

When all is said and done we're' gonna need a GoFunMe page for Canada.

And watch. Justin is going to sign deals with China.


And finally lost in all this was the passing of jazz great Lee Konitz.

To some like Corbett he's just another whitey. But a whitey with a trumpet!

Remember kids, know the cultural political landscape out there. Don't be a useful idiot.

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