
Congratulations Canada

You've reduced a segment of the population that takes in the least and gives the most into the system to merely dependents on the state.

That's quite a remarkable achievement for such a proud nation 'standing on guard for thee'.

You took people who are fiercely independent and value autonomy (a rare species in modern North America) and forced them to take welfare.

Take a bow all Canadians who continue to be unaffected but support sacrificing their fellow compatriots 'for mankind'.

Same for the United States.

We're in this together right?

We're not led by leaders. We're led by sheep who managed to get to the podium to lead the herd.

You're fooling yourself if you think you're getting quality leadership.


The same people who support the shut down probably will support the Democrats or Liberals in NOT forcing China and WHO (with a former Marxist terrorist at the helm. Funny how Freeland says 'we follow the science'. Does that include listening to fools like Tedros who isn't a doctor?) to account.

After all, Trump is a madman and must be stopped.

When we should be closing ranks, politics will split and divide us. The media will make damn sure people stay angry with Trump.

And China will escape without consequence for what it has done.

Don't bother looking at Europe. Here's a simple straight to the point lesson in realpolitik as Russia and China see it: They know Europe is emasculated.

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