
Who Are More Dangerous?

Charlottesville's albatross.

Once again - surprise! - the media’s behavior over this issue has been disgraceful. Truth my ass.

As I understand it, Antifa shows up and viciously attacks people while the police inexplicably stand down and do nothing - as they have throughout the country when it comes to these faux-righteous activists. 

Is it really shocking then that in Charlottesville, some lunatic from the group they attacked runs over people during the inevitable riot that followed. 

Yet somehow the problem is the 200 or so white supremacy movement. 200! People lost their lives over a group that will have had ZERO impact on American society!

They would have been better off protesting from their couches and Tweeting about it and it would have been more productive.

How in the world can the protestors not be held culpable in part?

Also. Something tells me the lone-wolf theory won't apply here. When a left-wing nutcase goes off on a killing or violent spree, it's isolated. When it happens with supremacists (who I consider left-wing because they're collectivist) suddenly it's the whole group tagged.

Until these people speaking out about useless things like Trump's reaction actually DENOUNCE violence from BLM and Antifa they can all kiss my ass. Lest we forget, the healer of the racial divide - in all his inglorious mediocrity - Obama invited BLM leaders to the White House after one of their own shot dead five Dallas police officers.

How's that for optics on the justice and decency front?

A disgraceful move by a man of low character.

Letting aside BLM, Antifa and white nationalist groups are cut from the same side of the collectivist, victim-hood identity politics cloth, there is a difference between the two in terms of who can negatively impact liberty more.

This blog considers the former to be far more problematic and I think facts and evidence sides with me on this note. If you haven't been aware, or just joining the party, just peruse this blog, FIRE, Campus Reform, Liveleaks, and certain Youtube news channels (and this includes the famous 'bake a cake for gays' ambulance chasers who score a buck off this cottage industry) that cover the outrageous behaviour from the left that hasn't just been rhetorically violent but in action as well.

That they move to shut down ANYONE that disagrees with them IS the very definition of fascism. They are who they hate.

Contrast this to neo-Nazis who have far less membership and power. If you can present to me a consistent stream of examples of how they threaten freedom of speech, expression and assembly.

In the latest example, they were given lawful permission to assemble.

They were hijacked and provoked.

From where I sit - and indeed the way we were taught - you don't go and provoke such things.

They did and found trouble to the point of loss of life.

I lay the blame not in the people, who despite their despicable views, who have every right to assemble but the people who went there looking for trouble.

Yet, companies like GoDaddy decide to lock-out the former?

I see no honour in this. Yes, they're in their right to do this (I guess people who agree with this on the left then have no problem with Christian bakers not baking a cake for gays, right?) but don't look me in the eye and claim virtue.

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