
The Sequestration Apocalypse


All that.

Musta been hard for Obama to sign his own bill.

Obama tried to scare the shit out of everyone about sequestration and the bluff was called.

I don't know what the big deal is. 2.5% spending adjustments is nothing. Rush Limbaugh made a great point when he said this happens in the private sector all the time. It's the normal cycle of day to day business and no one says boo.

But when the government gets touch we suddenly have to take notice.

Or at least Obama would like Americans to.

The funny thing is all Americans have seen their paycheck cut about 3% since Obama raised their taxes - and he was looking for more but the GOP simply wouldn't budge.

When will the damn government announce real spending cuts and "pay it's own share?" Start with the politicians.

Everyone by now who is remotely informed knows spending is the problem in the Western world; except the Obama administration apparently.

I think the economy will finally catch up to Obama and with it the end of blaming Bush.

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