
Quebec Distinct Indeed - For All The Wrong Reasons

An internet ban along linguistic lines is not that far off.

Mark my words.

They already discusses this. I think it was Louise Beaudoin - that wench - who brought it up.

I can read Quebec like a book these days.


I've noticed, among the many nonsensical and logical inconsistencies that drive Quebec's state-sanctioned discriminatory linguistic policies, people claiming that language laws exist in many places.

One guy even put a number to it stating speciously  '28 jurisdictions; do so.

I'd love to read which ones because where I sit that's simply not true. Some places may have language laws but NONE - I repeat NONE to my knowledge and to people I speak to in Holland, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, England and USA - enforce laws or have organizations on their books like the OLF. The rightfully conclude this is a line that can't be crossed.

Yet, in Canada it's been permitted.

Suppressing one group to promote another runs against the grain of all we're taught about civility in a pluralist society.

Not even in history, be it Beirut, Venice, Rome or Toledo (places where multiple civilizations and languages interacted) do we see such practices pitting one group against another where the law backs one over another.

Quebec feels so threatened that it's willing to stake its dignity to propel one group over another? By what right has it come that French-Canadians should govern through tyranny of the majority?

So, in international terms, Quebec does not have an argument. If anything, the international community is gaining knowledge on what NOT to do in the treatment of minorities.

Loathe as we Canadians are to hear it, but we can learn from a far more mature society in the United States. Specifically on how it assimilates peoples from around the world based on nothing but the willingness of its immigrants. It already has begun to incorporate Spanish into its social and political framework. No demonizing, no fear-mongering. Which is unique in a world where the technique of fear is often used to drive policy.

Demographically, Spanish is set to become a major player in America. Yet, there is NO movement or mobilization to curb this reality. No Mouvement Imperatif. No mainstream radio personalities drooling rabid insularism on the airwaves. If there are, and America has many things, they are marginalized. Very little of it, if any, makes it to LEGISLATION.

Rather, America is looking to coexist with Spanish - in PEACE. Just like India has taken in English. No signage laws there!

Alas, the English language has always been more flexible that way.

Quebec nationalists are incapable of many things. That much we've come to know and accept. Nationalism is a scourge against progress. But I'll be damned if they get to set the terms of the narrative.

I'm sickened by the excuses and the laws. Worse, as a trilingual worldly individual, I can't accept the excuses used to support this garbage. They're all one-sided, one-dimensional, insular, musings wrapped inside a tortilla of sophistry.

It's all, when you scratch it to its basic root, BIGOTED.

And you know this is true.


My wife and I have jotted down potential places to go. I suggested she send her resume out to schools in the United States and see where that goes. As much as we love the U.S., it's a much harder move to make at this stage. For that option, it would be my daughter.

More likely, is a move either out West or Ontario. Interestingly, my extended family may be considering it as well.

It's the exodus the assholes in Quebec City are looking for.

In the short-run, they'll be pleased with themselves.

In the long-run, I've no doubt the unintended consequences of their parochialism and bad karma will hurt this place.

What a shame because it IS home and we do wish to be a part of it.

Note to Jean-Francois Lisee: "We want in" yes, but I never realized we were "out" to begin with.

I don't want to be part of the PQ vision of Quebec. It's an ugly one. It's a two-tiered one with them propped up at the top. I don't respect the PQ so why should I tolerate them any longer?

I want to be part of a free Quebec in a free Canada.

So, I respectfully decline, his faux-olive branch.

Quebec created and fabricated social anarchy. Let them clean it up.

A Second Quiet Revolution in 3...2....

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