
Quote Of The Day

"...the most wealthy families ruined by partial fines and confiscations, and the great body of his subjects oppressed by ingenious and aggravated taxes..."

Edward Gibbon on Caracalla in The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

It's a pretty straightforward axiom, over tax and the wealth flees leaving us with little or nothing since the weight of taxes prevents the next class of potential ambitious minds from coming in.

The arguments of 'paying your fair share' are meaningless. It's red-square gibberish.

One can argue the rich (whoever they are) don't pay high taxes at all but that's another matter. Those are loopholes and have a lot to do with complications in the tax codes and is a sign people are telling the government they take too much.

I forget who conducted the study but when you add up ALL taxes (sale, gas, food, income, property, school etc.) North Americans pay around 75%!

75%! And then they wonder why little is left at the end of the month? Do the exercise, suppose you half the tax load look at how much more you have.

The rates demanded of taxpayers are too high. Once taken, political leaders give the money not to run the nation but to give 'free' things to voters. And don't be swayed by the slickster argument of "it's only a 1% raise or $4 on your pay cheque.' Pro rate the figure and then see if it's 'only' 1% I can't stand politicians and pundits who use this line of bunk and junk.

When you over tax, and over regulate all you do is suppress people in the lower classes who have the ability, interest and work ethic to make it into the next level of success. You basically enslave them. We basically say, "look, you can never achieve real monetary success so here's a government cheque to keep you off the streets and keep to that job you currently hold.'

History repeats itself they say.

Problem is we pick and choose what we want to repeat.


Places like California, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Quebec have made their beds. They have to keep charging high taxes for their luxuries. It's a quiet suicide pact. We see it with Rome - spend more than you have (and distribute it with corruptions) and you will eventually fall.

Luckily, we don't have lunatic, lustful (ok, Clinton and Kennedy challenge this) and murderous Emperors who erect statues of themselves but we're not that far from it when we see how Obama or Clinton are 'deified' in the press.

Quebec in particular has a distinct added of feature to heavy taxes discouraging real achievement: Language discrimination.

What about our public masters? Has anyone noticed how they rape and pillage the public coffers to go along with all the fraud? The abuse is criminal.

Alas, to exert pressure of this sort in demanding accountability is an 'extreme' view now.


We're screwed.


  1. Well stated... though I am trying to figure out what "inegenious" means in the context of the quote. It doesn't seem to be a word.

    I never could figure out why Mr. Wealthy's "fair share" was a higher percentage than Mr. Middle_Class' "fair share." And Mr. Poor gets away with a "fair share" of zero per cent income tax. yet, Mr. Poor uses more government services than either of the other two.

  2. Oopd. Fixed.

    The uber-rich do get corporate welfare which is just as bad. In fairness. I don't mind helping the needy who really need it and I do take issue with abuse, but the rich shouldn't get 'free' money like they do in some cases.


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