
Free-Form Middling Musing

Driving into Plattsburgh, New York we were talking. My wife was asking stuff like 'are English signs allowed in Germany' in discussing about the madness of the OLF and its pygmy staff. They not only are free to do so, but because they're part of the EU, they can (have to in some cases) do so in 15 languages including English. I don't know how many Germans speak English but I do know the percentage is high. Not bad when you consider the Germans and English don't see exactly eye to eye.

Then the tought occured to me in a non-sequitur moment. Can it be that when it comes to guns, specifically people who own them, all liberals see are the caricature of inner-city street gang thugs? Does it enter their mind that a clean cut, person from the suburbs can responsibly pack heat?

Just musing.

As for Plattsburgh. I've said before and will say it again. The choice is staggering when compared to what we get in Quebec and I'm convinced a lot of it is due to the language crap. Heaven forbid we're free to import Rao's tomato sauce if happens to be in English only.

An array of choice from cooked beans to marinades. To borrow from my liberal friends, "how many marinades do you need?"

Yesterday? I needed four bottles. Can't wait to use them.

Free-markets are subservient to tyrants you know.

Speaking of which, on what planet does one have to live on to believe it's conservative/libertarian principles that make a mess of things? Last I checked liberal, left-wing dogma and policy has dominated Western culture for most of the last century and continues to hold a magical hold on minds with a passionate narrative. Obama did a great job scaring the shit out of people about sequestration didn't he with all those cops standing behind him. I can't understand how any one with a mild functional brain can't see the cynical ploy and play on emotions of it all.

Obama the community activist is in full high gear.

Anyway. What you see for the most part is governance of liberal traditions conflating with corporate interests. Note corporate interest does not equate to conservative/libertarian philosophy.

Basically, what you have is liberalism merging with corporatism.

Which of course is how fascism is defined - without the liberalism.

Conservative governments have been complicit in the arrangement as well. Which is why you're seeing a civil war within its ranks. There's a new breed rising.

Libertarians are merely bringing all this to your attention.

Thankfully, the message is getting through from Mozambique to Italy.

Canada needs to step it up as well.

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