
On The Other Hand...Ironies

More military deaths under Obama than Bush.

Or what about his expanding covert wars?

Personally looks over "Secret Kill Lists."  He reads it right next to his Nobel Peace Prize.

Then there's the whole bypassing Congress thing in Libya.


Credit to Answer (even though they don't seem to protest publicly anymore) on this one. On this, their view allies with the libertarian perspective:

This is the change in U.S. foreign policy we have gotten from the former “anti-war” presidential candidate that so many well-meaning people supported as a repudiation of the path taken by the Bush administration. That path had led to so much blood spilled, so many lives destroyed and so many resources squandered.

But all we really got was a different figurehead standing at the helm of the same war machine. Riding with Obama is the same clique who rode along with Bush. Gen. Petraeus, who presided over the bloodiest phase of the Iraq war, now presides over the bloody quagmire of Afghanistan. The long-time defense contractor sweetheart Robert Gates was retained as Secretary of Defense (who will likely soon make his exit from the Afghan war debacle). Even Frederick Kagan has been brought on to the strategy team. Kagan is from the viciously neoconservative think-tank American Enterprise Institute and was a close partner to Bush during the troop surge in Iraq.

This is not what the supporters of Obama expected when they voted for a “change.” Washington and the Pentagon are still carving up the world for Wall Street, and paying for it with our blood.
A lot has remained the same. There may be a new administration, but the same generals and corporate interests are standing over the White House. When it comes to whose interests this government and these wars are serving, absolutely nothing has changed.

But what has changed is the number of dead. What has changed is the rate at which they are dying. What has changed is the number of widows, orphans, amputees and psychologically traumatized soldiers.

What has also changed is that the Afghan War Logs, leaked to the public by WikiLeaks, finally show us the reality of the military adventure in Afghanistan. They have revealed what the generals and politicians know and have known, that they are badly losing the war with no chance of “victory.” So the record-setting fatalities in Afghanistan, which continue to spike, are happening so the politicians can avoid the political setback of having lost the war.

The Obama administration has sent more U.S. troops to their deaths in Afghanistan than Bush—but many more are likely to die on Obama’s watch. The resistance in Afghanistan is stronger than ever before, and, as even the Pentagon generals admit, can never be defeated militarily.

Meet the old boss...same as the old boss...*Daltry swing of the mic*

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