
Tragic Highway Deaths

Chick, excuse the pun, actually stopped the car in the fast lane, got out and helped a family of ducks cross the road at which point two motorcyles carrying a family of three slams into the back of her car killing two - a father and his daughter.


While the girl seriously had foie gras for brains, my question is, how did the motorcycles not see her stopped vehicle? Were they going too fast? Were they tailgating? Seeing this is Quebec where everything is optional on the road, that's a possible scenario. Furthermore, if she was aware of her surroundings what the heck was she thinking? Imagine if it was a Mack truck that hit her. The opposite would have happened.

Did those effen ducks make it after all?

Tragic. That girl's life will never be the same. Just tragic.

1 comment:

  1. Tragic, but even more: stupid. On a quiet country road you can do such things; on a 4 lane highway where the average guy drives 118 Km/h it verges on criminal.


Mysterious and anonymous comments as well as those laced with cyanide and ad hominen attacks will be deleted. Thank you for your attention, chumps.