
Horrors Of All Horrors

When Karla Homolka was set free because of a deal she cut with prosecutors, I was left numb. Here was one of the most vicious murderers in Canadian history - who by all accounts never really showed remorse for her crimes - walking the streets of Montreal!

It was equally shocking to listen to people say "she did her time." No she didn't. She got off because the criminal justice system is stacked against the victims. What kind of legal system is it anyway that allows for such technicalities?

So it comes as no surprise that she would ask for a pardon. I tell you what. If she gets one, I'm going to denounce my Canadian nationality in spirit. Sickening.

That's why it's important Bill C-23 passes and the lame, trivial attempts by the Liberals to pretend it's acting like an opposition leaves me completely befuddled. They know they can't afford to gut this thing and to stall on it using the idiotic argument the conservatives prorogued parliament leaving us in a tight spot is disingenuous. It has nothing to do with that. Lay off the petty politics and pass the sucker.

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