
Belgium Bans Burka

Who knew that Belgium could be so controversial?

I'm not sure if I agree banning it in public spaces - ie streets, malls etc. That to me tramples on civil liberties.

However, the interesting dilemma is whether the burka should be removed for any photo ID including passports, driver's permit. Common sense would tell us yes. Quebec is considering a similar ban.
Unless someone can persuade me otherwise, the burka should be allowed in public spaces but for privileges given by the state secular laws must apply to all.

Alas, the burka ban strikes me as a bit of a strawman in some ways. Europe's Muslim problem extends way beyond religious symbols and dresses.

Is this the beginning of a bigger battle or just a misguided attempt at protecting Western values? Can we separate, as I have done above, use in public-private spaces and use within government spaces?

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