
Ron De Santis Schools Canada On How To Lead People

I gotta say. I'm not sure how much more of this insidious collective psychosis I can take.

It's absolutely on a scale I've never seen. In fact, I'm not so sure it's if it's now not one of the biggest moral panics in history.

It's completely off the rockers because the people in charge are either mentally ill or shameless authoritarian opportunists.

I listen to Ron De Santis and feel rage for why we don't have a single Canadian leader capable of speaking with such wisdom and strength.

Ron De Santis is better than anything Canada has to offer where top leaders are concerned. Canada is a colonial wasteland of losers.

Look at how De Santis handled this utterly irrational Omicron scare. The reaction is over the top. Quebec is actually initiating track and trace. Does anyone in the upper echelons of this idiotic government know how futile this is? It's a variant from a highly mutating virus that has already mutated over 100 000 and is well on its way to being endemic. This is not a static disease. What are these people thinking? Just how incompetent and negligent are they? 

What the fuck is going on?

All they will accomplish is to drive people stir crazy.

Listen to how they speak. Be it Ford, Legault, Justin or their underling flunkies. All maniacs.

Just to contrast how a real leader acts and what we have here. Ron De Santis got ahead of the Omicron bull shit and told people no lockdowns and to essentially 'keep calm and carry on'. He calmed the population down before they had a chance to freak out. He neutered the media at the same time. 

Now look at how our bastards handled it. They went straight to fear mongering while engaging in ridiculous globalist rhetoric. What in the hell does 'no one is safe until everyone is safe around the world' mean? Sounds ominous and depressing.

Do you realize since this started they have never ever said a positive thing? 

This suggest to me they're megalomaniacs who lack any empathy. They're psychopaths on a tear.

And they couldn't care less about you.

If you think any of these depraved and deranged bozos follow any of their own rules, you really need to turn yourself in to the government and become their slave and be done with it.

You serve no use to the human race.

It will never stop.



If we ever do succeed in that, then we chase the bastards down and make them pay for what they've done.


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