
Come November 30 Canada Will Never Be The Same

I knew that Justin Trudeau was going to be poison for Canada in 2015.

But I never thought he'd be this vindictive, cynical and idiotic. 

I never thought he'd be this aggressive, punitive, and manipulative to the point of being a literal criminal stealing people's right to mobility. 

Of course, the population supports such stupidity thus reflecting poorly on them. All Canadians should be outraged.

It's clearly illegal but the government spent quite a bit of time crafting language attempting to imprison its own citizens for a personal medical decision. 

That's why I say he's a criminal. He's violating the Bill of Rights and his useless caucus are allowing it to happen.

Morally repugnant buffoons. One and all. Freeland all the way down.

On November 30, millions of Canadians will be made prisoners in their own land. Canada inches ever so closely to the mad psychosis that is Australia. 

They laughably claim it's to protect the vaccinated. So ludicrously anti-science and immoral this claim is it's hard to believe Canadians accept it, Oh but they do.

Just a quick reminder. This bull shit is predicated on the completely outmoded notion of asymptomatic spread. Healthy individuals who show no symptoms are not and have never been drivers of outbreaks. The experimental vaccines don't halt transmission and the vaccinated have ironically become silent asymptomatic spreaders.

Sounds like the mandates should be reversed. The vaccinated should be compelled to stay home.

Covid flushed out the soul of this nation and its ugly, cruel and fearful.

I will never forgive or forget this episode.

Canada is dead to me now.

Now, I must plot my way out of this country in my own five year plan.

I want no part of this place and a citizenry that tolerates this.

To think men gave their lives for this sorry bunch.

Canadians never deserved their liberty.

Justin Trudeau and all the sowers of pseudoscientific discord in his circle of banal stupidity can literally fuck off and die. 

Canada will never be the same.

And you allowed it to happen. 


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