
What People Don't Get About 'Vaccine Passports'

Let's be blunt and to the point.

Vaccine passports are immoral and unethical no matter how it's rationalized.

It's segregation by other means. A problematic division of society along medical lines.

A toxic mix far worse than a virus.

To support it is to be a fool.

I'm not sure why people let themselves be deceived so easily. Fear, we know, is so primal an emotion, it erases any thought of common decency when confronted with a perceived threat.

The problem with a passport is it opens a Pandora's Box. In a health and moral panic that has opened numerous Pandora's Boxes, this is yet another irresponsible attempt to 'control' a spread of a virus under the guise of keeping people safe.

It will achieve neither. The premise to which our 'solutions' derive is faulty and bound to fail. Reality and truth will prevail at some point.

A passport will not stop at a 'virus'. It's an intoxicating tool of control. Quebec already opened a very dark door with QR codes and adding this will only entrap and ensure this province further under a delusional state of creating illusions of safety. 

Once you have a 'papers please' system in place, medical bureaucrats (not the most thoughtful bunch) apt to emotions before science can and will entice public officials to expand on it on the concept of 'preventative medicine' or the precautionary principle.  'Hey, make sure that person's psychological evaluation is on the passport. Wouldn't want them snapping on us at a hockey game!' 

Ot what of lobotomies or other unwanted medical procedures?

We've been blessed and protected by ethical codes and standards since WWII via the Nuremberg Codes, Helsinki and Geneva conventions and Charters. We had medical privacy while no one could force you into  anything you didn't want done to you.

Now, under the fog of fear, derelict and unhinged 'experts' are running rampant sounding less rational and more like Nazis (liberally. Read anything from that twit Josee Legault - as a small, insignificant sample that she is - and feel the hair rise on your arms) all this is being ripped to shreds.

Lunatics run the asylum during this panic.

Passports are door into a devilish and deranged opening it us to a nightmare.

Don't consent to it.

It's just another measure devised that will fail to achieve its stated goals but succeed in dividing and robbing us of decency and basic humanity. 

Quebec, in undertaking this initiative, is rogue and signalled to the world it lacks intelligence, decency and ethics. 


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