
Is Epidemiology Pseudoscience?

Since last summer I've been suspicious of epidemiology. I understand what I'm about to argue is a generalization (there are good and bad in all disciples) but I'm taking a non-arms length position here observing from outside the realm of science. From what I can tell, it has not been its finest moment.

Epidemiologists have been the biggest fear mongering group calling for continued policies of lockdowns and masks. They barely have a grasp of their field but it doesn't stop them from deceiving people into thinking masks are effective and that lockdowns have no collateral damage. And if they do admit it, it's acceptable because all hands on deck for Covid. Nothing else matters. 

The most notorious of these of course Neil Ferguson (formerly of SAGE) and SAGE in the UK itself. And all the offshoots that include academic institutions like the University of Toronto.

This is the group that has made our lives a miserable wreck for a virus that is NOT a threat. 

The Commonwealth are wretched nations engaging in pseudoscience bull shit.

In our 'Taking Names' section meet John Edmunds of SAGE.

Check that beta make smirk.

This piece of shit is of the 'vaxx all kids or no liberty' school of thought.

Is there a discipline that has taken a harder hit than epidemiology? I know it has for me. They're on par with astrology. No offence to astrology given epidemiologists have managed to gain power way in excess of their abilities. 

SAGE is anything but wise.

I bet you if a 'follow the money' trail is conducted, you will find they're in the palm of Bill Gates.

All these institutions are acting and talking in lockstep in the Commonwealth and USA as if science is leading the way. Don't be deceived. It's money and vaccines driving it all.  Go read the list of 'what you can do' on the SAGE page. Try and tell me this isn't social control for its own sake? The people behind this organization are vile degenerates.

Scientists are incapable of common sense.

Science has, ironically, taken on a messianic mission. It believes it can rewire and social engineer humans. This has been on-going for at least 90 years now and whenever I hear scientists I hear religious preachers.

I visit a pure science blog by and for scientists to read what they're thinking and it's not uncommon for them to chastise people who are avoiding the jab to be 'contrarian'. They can't believe people think freely and have the audacity to challenge the almighty scientist. 

It's all so clownish in its own way. Why can't these non-science people just shut up and agree with us!?

When will we kick these people out of the room? 

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