
Censorship Threatens The Truth; Our Lives And Existence

There is nothing good that can come of the unprecedented censorship we're witnessing. That they're coming from 'private companies' is besides the point. Social media is the primary mode of communication among billions. It has become an extended arm of political power. Gain access to it, control the masses.

Social media are PLATFORMS. Nothing else. But politics, lobbyists and nagging busy body generalists have demanded they be publishers. Every faction of human endeavours, activities of all philosophical, ideological and intellectual colors wants to ban, cancel or censor the other. 

It's a situation that threatens open discourse that drives progress and achievements. 

We're in an Orwellian-Brave New World where respected, prominent people with sterling reputations are being silenced, dismissed, bullied or chastised for dating to challenge the zeitgeist or narratives set down by a collection of cynical opportunists, corporate fascists, dogmatic academics and political scoundrels. 

It's a modern day Fahrenheit 451 we all have the displeasure of watching. 

Nothing can be more obtuse, outrageous and odd than watching experts at the top of their respective fields be 'fact-checked' by illiterate, ignorant, and over-zealous tech employees. Or by 'accepted' fact checking organizations. "Who will guard the guardians?" Tacitus once asked. Who will fact-check the fact-checkers? Time and again, I've found myself doing it catching them in their own errors. Fact-checkers have also become, like chameleons, adept at coy and clever 'yes but not really'  language. Like newspapers, they've had to correct or retract their 'fact-checks' which are 'fact checks' to comply with the narrative.  

It's all corrupted and comprised. It's all rotten. This is the real virus. It's a plague that is far more damaging and dangerous.

Then comes the 'fake news' gaslighting. Picture what you're seeing as a Hall of Mirrors. The media creates this illusion of objective facts and therefore truth but all they present are edited snippets of facts blown way out of proportion and context. Context is a poison to media. Even when it attempts to present context it always comes bearing poisonous apples. 

You must question, question, QUESTION. A sharp skeptical eye is required to at least begin deciphering what is being funnelled. Personally, I would recommend simply shutting off the TV. The truth is out there. Once you do this, you begin to see all the real freedom fighters, investigative journalists, intellectuals, and greatest minds are on the periphery of controlled information via corporate news. All the top channels and podcasts are not within the scope of this world they are part of what we call 'alt-media' and it's a beautiful Octopus's Garden of delight, information, knowledge, debate and truth. 

It's far more dynamic and interesting than the canned and contrived bull shit you see on Sunday mornings or Late Night Shows. It's literally a New World Order but for us free thinkers who have been isolated.

It's ok to disagree. It's not ok to applaud the silencing of those we disagree with. It's worse if we react with indifference and apathy.

For one day it WILL be you they come for. History all but assures this.

We, at this current time, are aimless; rudderless and disoriented. Our values compass needs recalibrating.

One example is the grotesque unethical behavior of medical practitioners, politicians and academics eschewing informed consent (they are NOT giving the full picture of the vaccines), extorting and bribing people into taking the vaccines with disgusting vapid and deceiving assertions of 'vaccines are a path to liberty' while undermining parental authority maniacally claiming children don't need consent to take a possibly life-altering experimental substance with no long-term tack record for a virus that does not impact them. They're luring children not unlike pedophiles in a van. But it's ok. It's for the 'greater good'.

We are not being accorded a public debate or hearings. We just get one-sided and slanted angles. It's always the same rotation of chosen experts (where we can begin now to follow the money to see what their personal stake is in all this) the mainstream media flocks to. It takes a special kind of person incapable - or uncaring - of their fellow man to promulgate lies about, for example, masks to keep them in fear to further agenda. They extract fear to control. 

Epidemiologists and mathematical modellers in particular have emerged as modern-day charlatans. ICU  and infectious disease doctors enjoying their fame too myopic in their claims. Public health officials to beyond their pay grade to deal with public health and policy. Together they present a distorted reality where only and only Covid exists. Their application of the precautionary principle borders on irrational. 

We accord them to much reverence. In the process we diminish and erode confidence in our own ability to critically think.

Their word isn't final. 

The rest are silenced and ruined. This not only threatens the truth. It obliterates it. And in the process it threatens our lives.

It is a medical tyranny that has little to do with public health. 

You can't have ONE voice on vaccines. 'Shut up, take the jab, do your part' is not acceptable. What if they're wrong? And there's a high probability of this.. What then? Who will be held accountable? Will they are slither back into their little cubby holes to orchestrate another attack on human affairs? 

Same with climate change. Notice how they're blueing the lines between Covid-19 and climate change.


Should we not have a debate on this? 

Whoever is orchestrating this assault on humanity will overplay their hand.

If there's one thing my travels in history has taught me is things rarely go according to plan. The invisible and mysterious laws of man and nature see to it.

Man is a wretched, flawed creature filled with hubris. We're seeing it in spades with self-assured 'experts' telling us 'what it is' and that their word is final as if it's the word of God.

The obsession with science has reached a problematic cross road. We treat science as it it's a all encompassing discipline embracing all others. We've abandoned our duty to explore with free minds our world to bow at the alter of scientific-technocrats. 

If these people were of an extract of the highest order, perhaps this could be tolerable but instead it's an insufferable collection of ignorant authoritarian busy bodies barking orders.

They ARE the bricks in the wall.

Small-minded, shallow and seeping with arrogance.

They are the ones that pose a danger.

Not you.

Not me.

Try as they will to claim we 'spread misinformation'. The irony is if the state had no propaganda it would have no information at all.

What is to be done?


It must all collapse. We're past the stage of reform. The rot has decayed the metaphorical walls of our institutions. 

All that's left is the family - and they're coming for that.

There are no common bonds and values any more. This is not unlike the world unleashed after the fall of Rome when the lights literally went out on a civilization. The West had to slowly reinvent, reorganize and reorient itself over centuries. Cities fall and so will ours. 

Does it strike you as normal they command you to 'obey' orders? Ask yourself, if the solutions are valid and the threat real, why all the deception, coercion, censorship, and extortion? 

Are truths not self-evident? Why do they go to such extraordinary lengths to manipulate minds through propaganda? Worse still, have not noticed they do not follow their own orders? Do you not see this is a two-tiered system and you're not invited to the good parts? 

One day, hopefully soon, we will awaken to this scandalous crime and we will utter those enigmatic eternal words, 'Poo-tee-weet'? 

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