
Disturbing Turns In France And Australia

With Macron's authoritarian decree on July 12 which read straight from the globalist play book and Australia's 'permanent lockdown' strategy, July has been a troubling month for democracies of civilized nations. As if this wasn't enough, Sydney has moved to bring in the military now.

For 236 cases and 2 deaths.

I don't care what people who support this madness think, NO health problem demands such an outrageously totalitarian response.

Has Australia been captured? What is going on exactly?

If you're not asking questions, you really are asleep. 

I can't stress this enough. This is not about a virus.

Canada. Will you stand on guard for thee?

I get a really bad feeling we're about to enact worse measures than we did during the height of the crisis.

Now, man is the virus as we prolong the crisis further with our heavy handed anti-science measures.

Where will you draw the line? 


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