
The Governments Of The World Are Acting With Malice

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), emphasis mine, made a startling proclamation that the virus is not getting better and that in fact it's getting worse. Despite the death rates collapsing. 

This from a man who sent infected patience into nursing homes leading to their deaths. Now he's keeping good portions of the economy closed thus bringing still more misery to New York as part of a suppression strategy that's bound to back fire.

In Quebec, Dr. Arruda said asymptomatic people who refuse to wear masks will infect others and kill them. The science DOES NOT back up this claim as it remains unclear the role asymptomatic people play in transmission.

These are comments from people who direct policy. And it should concern us.

What have they done for us exactly except bring upon a social and economic calamity? The utter lack of ability is palpable and troubling to say the least. They talk in slogans like jesters. All I see are empty faux-virtuous gestures and calls for peoples to unite and 'fight' a virus.

It's hard to fathom this is the quality of minds in portions of power. The odds of surviving the virus are far greater than surviving the stupidity of politicians. War Pigs. Legault is a war pig.

Their thoughtless actions and comments are slowly whitening the spirit of people.

We live in a time where low-caliber people get promoted all the time. See ECB boss Christine Lagarde. The champ who while head of the IMF gave serial-defaulter (squelcher) Argentina a massive loan in 2018. Her moved proved spectacular as it saved Argentina and now the country is a model for all nations to follow. I kid, I kid. Argentina do what all junkies do, they junk. And now Lagarde heads an even more powerful entity in the ECB.

With mandatory mask mandates slowly becoming the new lockdown, governments are once again about to unleash a new set of unintended consequences on their respective populations. They refuse to conduct any trade-offs. They're stuck in a rut of stupidity.

It is obvious the destruction to our social and economic order was a lesson not learned and now they're undertaking an absurd undertaking not rooted in empirical evidence on a mass scale.

There's bound to be some price to pay.

At this point, it's astonishing to what degree leadership has collapsed as politicians continue to cede control to unelected public health officials who are at this point just winging it and using people as experiments.

They hide behind public health officials – who are equally as lost – like cowards too scared to lead. Rather, they just gave the keys to the Cadillac and said, ‘Go. Just bring the tank back full!’

It's quite diabolical.

Quebec and various states have jumped on this obscene superstitious movement. Legault claims masks are an 'intelligent' way to 'fight' the virus. To think this way is to completely ignore more enlightened options as those discussed with the experts from Oxford in the video below. But that would take too much effort. Much easier to go with the herd. Quebec follows the winds of other nations and the people accept following Quebec. The blind leading the blind.

And like usual, it comes with another round of obscene empty slogans. 'Mask is liberty' and 'wear a mask, save business'.

The origin of this 1984 double-speak seems to come from the CDC and it's pretty obvious Legault is cynically and stupidly parroting whatever it says. But he doesn't seem to recognize in the United States, the CDC is quite the politicized and corrupted agency and they decision to take this route is also a political move. He's an unwittingly and indirectly buying into a move that really is based on an American political calculus.

The Wolf of Quebec is not match for the Wolf of the CDC or Wall St.

No. Stop spreading the fear and save our mental health and businesses will follow.

A complete and utter shambolic decision undertaken.

Every single politician already has death and despair on their conscience (they can hide behind Covid-19 but the reality is they had a choice and they chose to be led by hysterical dire predictions and policy followed. They let public health officials seize control of our lives. Doctors let the virus lead them. But politicians lead NATIONS).

It's quite unnerving how cowardly politicians really are.

It's not too late to admit they were wrong about the lockdowns. People will be angry but forgiving because they will turn immediately to mending their lives. There will be no time for grudges.

But staying on this track could lead to still more trouble for people and by that point, the chance for forgiveness will have gone by.

Do our politicians have the integrity and humility to do so?

Time will tell.

More info here.

The incompetence of government leads to conspiracy theories. Except this one is looking more and more accurate.

"Conspiracy theorists as a rule are those of us who have watched the continual procession of lies, the utter confusion among politicians and scientists .....the complete mayhem of testing and false results etc etc....the silencing of Drs and staticians , the lack of transparent coverage...evidence based by the media...conspiracists in this case are those of us with enquiring minds....and question, nothing to be ashamed of with this."

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