
A Note To People

I implore you to engage and follow the evidence to see if the masks mandates work. Don't just blindly put them on and pretend you're special for being able to change.

There's more at stake than you think.

So pay close attention. The data and science is already not on your side for agreeing to mask mandates. Now the least you can do is do the work yourself. Be CITIZENS.

There's a price to pay for pandering to the lowest common denominator and bending to public opinion.

Low IQ people aren't able to consider context and mid-wits are just as bad.

This is what you get: A scared society. And when people are scared they do crazy things.

I should title that 'Things you won't see in Sweden.'

Other things you wont' see in Sweden is the outrageous unleashing of the police state on people across North America. People have been fined, cuffed, roughed up, and arrested during this pandemic.

On this count alone Sweden shows its superiority to us.

You won't see Swedes looking at one another as if they're a threat to them. Yet, here, through our short-sighted thinking, that's exactly what we've done.

This is why I think public officials are psychopathic incompetents.

Where Dr. Tengell speaks with honesty, maturity and pragmatism, our own Dr. Tam is out shooting off her mouth again doing her part to keep people in fear calling recent spikes as 'worrisome'.

Why? Why constantly scare people? It's obtuse, unacceptable and points to the low grade caliber of our leaders. Doug Ford in particular is just about the biggest tyrannical pumpkin during this pandemic followed closely by Legault and Trudeau. Miscreants looking to latch on to that lever of power for its own sake.

Then there's our dear Dr. Fauci. Hero to the left. He who has made so many missteps it's ever a wonder people still revere him. In a normal time with more sharp witted minds, Fauci is tar and feathered. This man once again says the country needs to stay under a police state (ie lockdown) for two years.

Ok. You want to close it you shnook? We start with you losing your job. Lead by example.
Already the unintended consequences of the lockdowns have reared an ugly head too difficult to fathom with the loss and destruction of lives. 
And this miserable man wants to PROLONG THE MISERY?! He’s another one now I think is a psychopath and is acting with malice.

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